
Please note: Services are currently available late on sundays/Mondays, after they are uploaded, on Youtube.

We’d love to see you Sunday!

If you’ve ever been to church on a Sunday morning, you know there can be great variety among congregations so it’s hard to know what to expect. If you’ve never been to church, then you have all the more reason to wonder what Sunday morning may be like.

When you come on a Sunday to New Monmouth here’s what you’ll experience:

  • Worship at 11:00 am (unless it’s summer when we move it up to 10:00 am)
  • Normally we have a range of classes for adults and children an hour before the service (although we break in summer)
  • We have a nursery for children birth up until elementary school.
  • You’ll find that dress is more casual than formal, with people wearing shorts, slacks, dresses, and even a few suits. We’re more interested in you being here than in what you wear.
  • We play contemporary music and traditional hymns.
  • It would not be out of the ordinary on a Sunday to hear a banjo or a pipe organ, a soloist or a kid’s choir. We have variety.
  • During the worship service, we have a nursery, although younger children are welcome to stay in worship. We have a children’s sermon, after which children below kindergarten are excused to the nursery. Elementary aged children have their own Children’s Worship that they can go to just before the sermon begins.
  • For those who have children and wonder how they will manage during the service, know two things. It’s OK if they make noise. We’ve all been there (or currently are). Also, we have clipboards in the back to help them with coloring pages and other activities.

While we have many who’ve been at New Monmouth their whole life, we do our best to be open to those who’ve never set foot in our building before.